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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Development of Scientology - Characteristics of Living Science (PDC-45) - L521213d | Сравнить
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- On Auditing - How to Succeed-Fail, Assess (PDC-43) - L521213b | Сравнить
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- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) (PDC-42) - L521213a | Сравнить

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CONTENTS On Auditing: How to Succeed/Fail, Assess Cохранить документ себе Скачать

On Auditing: How to Succeed/Fail, Assess

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

A Lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard on the 13 December 1952A Lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard on the 13 December 1952

We talked about auditors and uh… carrying it through. This is the second afternoon lecture, December 13th.

Well, you’re very lucky people, that’s all I’ve got to say. This is the first lecture of the afternoon of Saturday, December the 13th.

And there hadn’t ought to be any question now about how to fail. I hope I’ve made this very clear, and those who wanna fail with a preclear can take careful note of this. You make him prove that he is doing it, you uh… invalidate him by looking very questioning whenever he tells you anything. Uh… you uh… try to convince him what’s happening and you… you figure out for him what’s occurring. And uh… then you upset him as to what he’s doing, very badly. And then you kick beds and things – kick the couch or something of the sort. Or you drop an ashtray or something, just at the right moment. Or – and this is the best one – you try to make him agree with the real universe.

By the way, who kept a good set of notes? Anybody keep a real good set of notes on this? You got a real good set? Good. We’ll be looking into that.

He gets out and he says, „Well, I don’t uh… see the room very good. I don’t see the room clearly, but I do see the room.“

This afternoon I would be very happy to tell you all about Standard Operating Procedure. And uh… will. In fact, I will here for several days.

And you say, „Well, do you see the ceiling? What kind of a ceiling is it? Oh? Well, I’ll tell you – you’re really in for a shock, because uh… well, no, we won’t tell you now. Just look at the ceiling.“

But, very interesting that Standard Operating Procedure is actually so easy. Uh… I really don’t know why I’m talking about it. It is so easy.

Yeah, this is the way to fail. This is the way to fail. Give you a good road map. But I’m more interested in giving you a road map to succeed.

Now you may or may not believe that. I really don’t care what you believe, because the best little handy, jim-dandy convincer of which I know is simply to take Standard Operating Procedure and take three, four people and spring it on them. If you took five people, at least two of them will become theta clears in a very short space of time using Standard Operating Procedure.

Now one of the best ways to succeed is to do an assessment on your preclear. And this is the first entering wedge of something that should persist ALL THE WAY THROUGH EVERY SESSION YOU EVER GIVE ANY PRECLEAR. Find out what the billy-o he’s doing! And when he says something, find out what he said, if you don’t understand it. And if he tells you something peculiar that you don’t immediately grasp, find out what he told you and what he’s talking about.

And the other three would fall on down the track, on down the steps and you’d probably get… you might or might not get in that short a series, a couple of uh… Fives – pardon me – one Five. Probably wouldn’t get a Five on that short a series. I think a Five runs about one in fifteen, or something like that, cases. Uh… but you might get a Five.

You want data from the preclear. You are not a machine gun, simply firing at a preclear. The whole operation of auditing can collapse with a dull crash if you insist on a one-way communication channel from you to him. Find out what he’s doing. When you give him a mock-up, did he do it? Wait for his ‘Um-hmm’.

You might get one of these cases that’s nailed down, sealed in, uh… bracketted, wicketted, uh… grouped, smashed, occluded. You might get all sorts of things. But uh… it’s very doubtful. And if you did get one of those cases, what would you use to solve it? Vitamins? Um… something very „Well, it must be an unusual case. He… every time I ask him to do one of these things he just doesn’t seem to be able to. Maybe we ought to try diathermy. No – it doesn’t work. I don’t know. Couldn’t have been anything said in the lecture about a case this tough must have something unusual. Nah-uh.“

When you say, „Fill the room full of skulls,“ don’t immediately say, „Now turn them all to babies. All right, now move them all downstairs.“

You won’t find anything unusual, I’m sorry to tell you. Adventure is dead. You just go on and use some more of it.

He says, „Just a minute. I’m trying to get one skull.“

And if you just get plain downright desperate on this Step Five case, you just get terribly desperate about the whole thing, then you could sit down for a couple of hours a day or make him sit down, or have somebody else sit down with him for a couple of hours a day, and just run off SELF ANALYSIS using its lines to create illusions. In other words, to do mock-ups on the lines that are contained in SELF ANALYSIS – not to recall incidents. It says „recall incidents“ – „Can you recall a time that…“

You say, „All right, now you got them downstairs? All right, now move them all out into the street.“

And the way to use that book now is simply to say, „Can you create a mock-up in which“ – you know – „you enjoyed something.“ So you put something out there and feel enjoyment for it. And then it’s got a list of perceptics down at the bottom of it and you try to – and one of them says „external motion.“ So you see this thing moving. And another one says „sight.“ So you get a good look at it. And another one says „sound“ and so on.

He says, „Wait a minute,“ he says, „I’m trying to get this one skull.“

Well, it doesn’t matter too much if uh… you can’t see these things or feel them very much. A fellow can get some sort of a vague idea they are there. Vague, no matter how vague. So he could just go ahead then and uh… go on down the list no matter how vague it is. And if he starts boiling off like mad, have him see him behind him. You’ve just excited too many flows in one direction.

And you say, „Well, now, that’s fine. Now let’s take the building down at the end of the street and let’s turn it on edge and fill it all full of those babies.“

So, just put him behind him and that stops boil-off immediately.

The guy is already all keyed up and you giving him load on load on load on, until he goes straight into apathy. The fastest way there is to drive a preclear into apathy is not to let him carry out what you said before you give him something else to do.

That… that… you could get down to that level of uh… uh… incredible uh… apathy about case and it would still work out if you did that. That is the last… last ditch. You won’t have to go any lower than that. You either use the techniques you’ve got, or if you just throw in the sponge and give up and all that sort of thing, why you’ve got SELF-ANALYSIS as a drill. And he’ll be out in a month, six weeks – I don’t care how long it’d go – it wouldn’t matter. It wouldn’t matter how long it would go.

I wish I had a bloody dagger to stick that datum home with, or something. Or I wish I could put on each one of the walls of the room you’ll use in auditing a big sign that says „For Christ’s sakes! Find out what he’s doing!“

And as you start processing people with Standard Operating Procedure Issue Three, you will be occasionally tempted to dive into the incident which presents itself, oh how nicely! Nah-uh! No! And you will get ahold of cases that insist on diving into the incident that presents itself – use a club. You don’t want any truck with a real, real convincing facsimile or any part thereof.

Don’t go writing me a letter afterwards and saying, „Standard Operating Procedure Creative Processing (or something of the sort) doesn’t work on some people. I get these nice, cheerful, quiet little girls and it seems to work all right on them, but every time I try to work on anybody else it doesn’t seem to work on them and therefore I’ve concluded after a vast piece of scientific research, fully as vast as that done in Fairhope, Alabama, uh… that uh… or the Phoenix Psychological Institute – and I’ve discovered that Creative Processing only works on young girls who are rather in an apathetic state of mind. And that it is not applicable to any other type case.“

And don’t get the idea that because he turns on somatics while running mock-ups that the two have to be connected. They don’t have to be connected. There doesn’t have to be any relationship between a mock-up and what’s wrong with the preclear. In fact, it is the upper crust of flippancy if he’s got a bad foot to run mock-ups on his left ear. Just make sure that you use all geometric patterns and designs and the reason why you use all geometric patterns and designs is simply to give him complete coverage so he’s avoiding nothing.

You could… you could draw that conclusion if you didn’t find out what the guy was doing. Because this is what would happen: You would only be able to operate with a case that was doing mock-ups rapidly – doing them right and doing them rapidly. That’s the only kind of case they work on. And that would be by great accident.

And as you begin to process your preclear you will occasionally find out he gets much worse. Oh, boy! He can get worse with a vengeance. I don’t think you can make him as much worse as you could on a misuse of some old techniques. But you could ruin him – if you don’t know what you’re doing. And even knowing what you’re doing, you can still ruin him.

So you see, your „bap-bap-bap“ type of processing – do it as fast as you like, but wait for that acknowledgment. And if he says something and says, „Mmwoggleemm,“ don’t say, „Well, he’s just muttering in his beard,“ and go on. No, you say, „What did you say?“

Number One, don’t have any qualms about ruining somebody. That’ll ruin far less.

He’s probably trying to tell you, „Look, I just found out that I am really not in my head, and I’m getting a very clear view of this room from on the ceiling. And the funny somatic I have in my head is that I’m plastered against every ceiling of every room I ever go into.“

And Number Two, if you found out he was ruined – oh, of course, lots of preclears come back and tell you they’re ruined. Yeah, that’s to get more processing. That’s the old gag – if you don’t give them more processing, they go… then they go around and tell all the neighbour they’re ruined. And then if you still don’t give them more processing, why they even get up to a level of practically physical attack.

And you’ll find out the damnedest things. They’ll all follow these laws here and these rules and observations, but you have to keep your ear open. The preclear is not noted for talking loudly or being succinct or distinct or anything else.

Of course, their method of saying „Please process me“ is to ruin you and your reputation sometimes.

And if you don’t have a two-way communication channel with the preclear – pow! He’s going to go into apathy.

But so – so the preclear is ‘ruined’ by your processing. It’s as I say, Number One – So what? He was ruined by the MEST universe before you got your hands on him.

Now I’ll tell you what you can do. You’re not even vaguely working with hypnotism. But hypnotism is in entirely reverse vector – that’s making him agree with it all. Now make him agree harder and harder and harder and harder.

The chance that he has in coming to you and recovering from, is so… was so slight, it was one in hundreds and hundreds of hundreds of trillions. His good fortune in coming to you is such that you needn’t ask him for any license to survive, and you needn’t apologize. You have complete liberty on the thing.

And if you… if you were to do this with a hypnotized subject, if you were to say to him, „All right, now uh… let’s have both of your arms rise in the air. Now cross your legs,“ do you know what’ll happen to the fella? He’ll go straight into a complete squirrel confusion – just immediately. Because he doesn’t have the capacity to carry out two actions at once. You wait until his arms are up before you tell him to cross his legs.

How anybody could feel strange about charging the price of the moon or feel that he’s compelled to help somebody, when all these people exist to be helped, or is compelled to try to convince somebody that what he’s doing is efficacious – convince somebody with discussion or proof or anything of that sort – I’m sure I don’t know. Because the use of Standard Operating Procedure Issue Three, and a complete good grasp of the theory behind it brings about this kind of a fortuitous condition. You’re cause.

A hypnotized subject can do anything under hypnotism as long as he’s permitted to carry out the orders given, one at a time.

And any time you think you have to go below the level of cause in action, you’re gonna fall on your face. You’re Cause. And the second you start squirming around, apologizing and trying to prove it to somebody, and being all upset because he got worse or something of this sort, you’re just making a big, dramatic statement „I’m NOT Cause.“

So, find out if the guy did it

You get your case in good shape and your frame of mind in good shape, there isn’t anything can phase you – nothing, including a 16-inch gun going off straight in your face.

You could err on the side of being too fast, but you can’t err on the side of being too slow.

And in that frame of mind, the funny part of it is, it isn’t anything esoteric. Your preclear looks at you and he doesn’t see an apologetic look on your face, and he doesn’t see you all ready to get down on your knees and say, „Oh, yalla, yalla, yalla – AMA, AMA – please accept us, please accept us,“ or whatever that old German freak song was. „Hooble-Goobla! Please accept us!“

Now there’s always some one-way route of error in some subject or other and – in surveying there a couple of them, one of them is, there are only shortening errors in surveying. I needn’t go into this as to why this is, but you take a chain, you put it between a couple of stations and the only error that you can get is shortening. Your chaining is always less than your actual distance. It may only be 7/8ths of an inch a mile, but it’s always less – it’s never more. In other words, there aren’t any compensating errors; you can’t overmeasure and overmeasure and overmeasure.

Uh… he says, „This guy can’t do anything for me. Something has to be done for him.“ He just looks at you and your attitude and your tone of voice and he knows immediately that you’re going to do something for him. And you’re going to do something for him – it’s just inevitable that you’re going to do something for him. Why, he goes ahead and lets it happen about ten times as fast.

All right, it works that way in asking for mock-ups. You can err only on the side of being too quick; you can’t err on the side of being too slow. You can make things dull, but that’s better than to have them too fast.

But he looks at you and he sees doubt and uncertainty and request to survive and all that sort of thing written all over the place, and then he’ll hold it up for ten times as long as he should have.

I’m not telling you to poke, now, or monkey around about it. I’m just telling you that the error that you will make is a shortening error – trying to shorten the process.

It’ll happen! I’m just talking about his havingness – the duration of his havingness of aberration extends somewhat in the face of your apology for being able to do something for him.

This process is so short now, it’s like greased lightning. And you just take a little more time and ask him to do it a couple of more times. And ask him to do it again a couple of times, and uh… only ask him to do one thing at a time. And you’ve got it.

And when I say you can ruin him utterly and completely, I’ll tell you just exactly how and what will happen any time you figure you utterly ruined a preclear. You got scared. You put your courage in your hip pocket and you ducked away on that low-level mockery on the tone scale which mocks the upper part of the tone scale. On that level of the tone scale it said, in so many words, it said down there at the bottom, uh…“I am afraid to hurt anybody.“

It’s really very simple, but find out what the preclear’s talking about.

You ever want to manage an enterprise, don’t man it – if you really want it to go, if you care about it at all – don’t man it with somebody who’s scared to hurt somebody. Because he’ll wind up by butchering them – just butchering everybody – inevitable! His effort not to hurt will result in murder!

I checked three auditors on this and I found out that in their hands, six cases had gone into slumps and had had to be bailed out, by those same auditors, at a cost of another total of 35 hours of auditing. They’d gone into slumps. Why? Because the auditor had never bothered to find out what they were talking about.

Let’s just look at one manifestation of that. He holds apart and doesn’t mention something, and he lets it grow and he lets it grow and he lets it grow and he’s holding it apart. And he’s holding it apart. He’s found out that somebody in the shipping department annoyed him. And instead of knocking it into line on the floor of the shipping department, going right to it and saying „I don’t like this, and why are you doing it?“ he just lets that annoy him.

The preclear said, „Yup-yub-wub-zub-zoob-thub.“

And the fellow in the shipping department finds out that something is going on along this line, and we get this further and further hold, hold, hold. What have you got? A condenser action. And sooner or later it’s going to go „Ka-paw!“ and the poor guy in the shipping department might never really have understood what was wrong at all. He wouldn’t even have had any inkling, until one day the condenser charge is built so great that the resultant shock knocks him flat on his face, knocks him out of a job, knocks the shipping department into a cocked hat. All because of what? It’s because your manager, the first moment he was annoyed about something that was going on in the shipping department, was too damned cowardly to go into the shipping department and say so. So he chalked it off against this fact: He says, „Well, I don’t want to hurt his feelings.“

And the auditor raced on over it and he says, „All right, now let’s see. Let’s put that… throw that elephant out the window.“

That is the biggest curtain of all. The guy brings that down and he doesn’t tell himself what’s true: „I’m too cowardly to do anything about it.“ So he substitutes that for: „I don’t want to hurt his feelings,“ a big rationalization. He doesn’t go in there, the shipping department doesn’t know what It’s all about and then one day „boom!“ A lot of guys get blown up in the resultant. And the operation might just blow up too.

And the preclear says, „Wub-lub-zub-zub-zub.“

Why? Because all sitting around the operation you’ve got this sort of thing of back-off, back-off, let it build up, build up, don’t say anything… we don’t want to hurt anybody, until all the lines in the place are going so haywire that a fellow never has a chance in there. That’s all. He never knows whether he’s right or whether he’s wrong. He knows the boss won’t tell him. And he knows if he goes to the boss and the boss says, „Oh, yeah. That’s fine. You did a good job, that’s fine,“ he knows he… he hasn’t any security at all of the fact those words are true.

And the auditor says, „Well now, that’s difficult. Well, turn him upside-down.“

Same way with the auditor. Any time he s… knocks off of a case, or any time – this is a very funny one. That I can take any of these cases that are… that I suddenly see going „Zing! Zing! Zing! Spin! Spin! Spin!“ And I’ll say, „What happened?“

And all this time the preclear’s trying to tell him, „I’ve got a facsimile of my mother and it’s stuck right square in my face and I can’t get rid of it.“

„Well, we got into this, and we did this and we did that“ and so forth.

And all he gets piled on top of that facsimile is confusion, confusion, confusion, confusion. So he has to bust himself loose from the communication line and handle the situation gruesomely, sometimes, enough, by himself. And he parts company with the auditor right there.

Number One, it’s usually a Step five auditor that does it. And Number Two, we find out that the auditor didn’t finish the technique. In each and every case so far examined where anything happened, the auditor didn’t finish what he started out to do. He was insufficiently cause to produce an effect.

I know one case… one case in addition to that that had, I don’t know how many arduous hours of auditing and travail piled on the top of this case by this incredible one: THREE TIMES THIS GUY WAS OUT OF HIS HEAD LOOKING AT THE ROOM CLEARLY, TOLD THE AUDITOR SO AND THE RATTLE AND BANG OF COMMAND WHICH CONTINUED TO HAMMER AND POUND HIM WAS SUCH THAT HE COULDN’T MAKE HIMSELF UNDERSTOOD! And he was STILL getting another process that had NOTHING to do with what he was doing!

And he got halfway through and the preclear was starting to scream or something of this sort, so he says „I mustn’t hurt them, so I’ll knock off and do something else.“ Oh, Christ!

Now boy! Take that to heart. He went into apathy finally about getting out of his head or going anyplace or doing anything. He finally just laid down and quit. That’s a wonderful recommendation, isn’t it, for… for an auditor.

Supposing doctor – doctor had a… had a… had a body out on the ta… bodies aren’t important, but just to mention it – suppose he had a body out on the table and he… he had the spine half out or something of this sort, and uh… uh… the ether started to wear off and it was obviously hurting the patient. I suppose he wouldn’t do anything more about the spine because it might hurt the patient further. No, just let him die.

Three times he was! With full visio and full perceptic. And the last time he got out of his head, and he was finally hauled out of his head, he was hauled out just by main strength and awkwardness, with practically no perception, tone down at the bottom – everything shot – and he would… just crawled back up the line with one hundred and fifteen hours of auditing to straighten him out.

Courage could be summed up in, one, being willing to cause something and, two, going ahead to achieve the effect one has postulated against any and all odds. There doesn’t happen to be any such thing as failure. There just doesn’t happen to be any such thing.

Why? This dumb yupwell of an auditor didn’t have enough sense, when he said, „Mup-wup-wub-wub,“ to say, „What did you say?“ And he would have found out the guy was having difficulty making his jaws work because he was out of his head.

But of course, you all want to agree there’s such a thing as failure so that you can have a reason to fail, so you won’t have to be cause. Tha… that’s… that’s another thing – but there isn’t any reason to fail. There’s no excuse for any failure that ever occurred anyplace in history, except this – except this. There was just not quite enough carry-through and push- through. You can mark the high tide of any empire or of any army in any period in the history of homo sapiens, and you’ll find out somebody, someplace on that track was deficient in guts. And when he was, he lost the whole track. There isn’t even such a thing as carrying on too long in one direction toward the postulated effect. There isn’t even that. There isn’t even such a thing as there are too many odds. That doesn’t exist. Nor… there isn’t such a thing as saying „Well, what I postulated was unreasonable and therefore I have to abandon that goal now because it was unreasonable,“ and so forth.

Boy, it… it… it just takes COLOSSAL GENIUS to be that dumb! It’s a two-way communication line and always will be a two-way communication line. The preclear wants something to do and wants cooperation in what he is trying to accomplish.

No, you have to have a consent to track along in a certain degree of agreement with a whole lot of ‘things in order to sit down someplace on the track and saying, „There are too many for me.“ Let’s just take… let’s just take the simple matter of… in the first place, you found out irrationality at the bottom of the tone scale is becoming MEST with all these rationalizations. And one is MEST at the bottom of the tone scale.

There’re certain things which he can’t do. The auditor, by his auditing, makes it possible for the preclear to accomplish those things. If there is something happening to the preclear that is strange and peculiar, like he keeps getting frying pans in his face or something of the sort, just streams and streams of the damn things. Just… and… and every time he tries to get a mock-up, my God! Here’s all these frying pans keep hitting him in the face.

Let’s go up to the top of the tone scale and take a look and we find out it’s causation is by postulate. Is there any reason there? No – no. No consecutive logic at all.

The auditor that doesn’t find this out isn’t going to solve it. And he might be so appalled by all these frying pans that he doesn’t communicate it very well and he’s in a sort of a groggy state of being knocked flat, and… and he can’t call ‘em frying pans. He calls them „scllznglumps.“

So you say, „All right, now we’re going to reform the habits of the Philadelphia Police Force and change the force utterly and completely.“ Not „we are“ – you can say, „I am.“ Don’t bother to set any time limit on it. The havingness in this case is simply the Philadelphia Police Force. And the amount of time consumed is the amount of ti… amount of havingness of that police force. And you just go ahead and do it! And if you’re strong and tough enough you would simply postulate that it was going to happen. And it would occur.

Now, the auditor doesn’t have to insist on a very intelligible communication, as far as words are concerned, but he wants the idea transmitted. If he wants to continue the preclear coming up the line, he will insist upon knowing what it was – not by asking angrily or ornerily or annoyed or anything like that, but just by asking patiently what it was. He’s got to accept the responsibility of his not having heard it. Not make the preclear feel like the preclear is responsible at all times for being super intelligible.

And down scale from that you would have to go into action and make it happen – and it would occur. And down the f… scale from that, you would say, „I wish it’d happen“ – and it wouldn’t occur. And down scale from that you’d say, „We’ll, somebody ought to.“

Now one of the ways that the auditor accomplishes a rise in tone in the case is you get the guy with frying pans running madly into his face – these frying pans are smashing him and so on – is, let’s take the whole confounded universe full of frying pans and tie pink bows on their handles and then put five handles per frying pan. And let’s just make more of it and more of it and more of it and more of it and more of it. Change the frying pans into other things and change in color. Give him more of it until he finds out, „My golly, these things aren’t going to hurt me no matter how many of them there are.“ And he says, „The dickens with it,“ and uh… he… then he’ll handle one frying pan and then he’ll throw the frying pan away.

You see, taking responsibility for something that has occurred is balderdash! So it occurred!

And you get the idea? He’s got a condition he can’t handle because there’s too much of it? Make MORE of it.

Now let’s uh… just look just a little bit further and uh… we find out there was one was wrong and one was right. From whose viewpoint? How can you be wrong from your own viewpoint? There isn’t a single instant anywhere down the last 74 trillion years, really, that you did not at the instant you acted, act to the best of your ability, and actually try to carry through the effect which you postulated one way or the other.

Because why? The preclear’s been trying practically half his life to slow this thing down and stop it. Naturally, speed it up. Speed it up. Start it. Make him start it. Now he’s got it started, make him do it again. Now make him increase it.

And you kept falling back from it and falling back from it and falling back from it. Sure – falling short of this goal and short of that one. But you were still trying – until somebody convinced you that it was fashionable not to try. The whole sickening, what we would laughingly call ‘morale’ of the Armed Services in World War II is just some of this – just some of this. It was ‘fashionable’ not to. It was fashionable not to be brave, it was fashionable not to be bright. It was ‘fashionable’.

In other words, your situation is to take what is… the preclear is unable to do and make him more able to handle it. And handling it consists of placing it in time and space and making it follow a cycle of action – any one of our many cycles of action. Terrific complexity if you wanted to add this up and memorize each command that you would give to a person – terrible complexity. Oh, man!

A man could get himself thrown out of practically any officers club by suddenly being brave.

All you have to know is, you take any item of any kind and make it follow any cycle of action in such a way, on a gradient scale, that the preclear’s able to make it do it.

I know one officer that was reprimanded for taking on a submarine three times the size of his ship and sinking it – a Japanese submarine. And he was called in and reprimanded. That doesn’t sound possible, does it? No, we had a… we had a… we… we had a big, big vogue, we had a big vogue of ‘Let’s all fall back and not be responsible’.

Now on this communication: If you don’t find out what that preclear’s doing, you’ll be led into some of the weirdest rat traps you ever heard of. „This preclear,“ you’ll say, „this preclear is just sharper… sharper than a well-honed carpet tack, and here he is. Why, my goodness! Look at those mock-ups. Why, he’s just doing wonderfully.“

Whereas the horrible part of it was that practically any man there, had he assumed responsibility or assumed or believed in his ability to cause an effect, he probably could have shortened the hell out of the war. And if he’d assumed it a little earlier, there probably wouldn’t have been a war.

You’ve given him mock-ups and you’ve given him this, and he says, „Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup.“ Can’t feed them to him fast enough, „Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup.“

There’s just one guy, you see. We’re not… we’re not talking now in terms of… of… of ‘We’ve got to have vast numbers of people’. We don’t have to have, operating in any level to get an effect. It just gets a little more random and sometimes more interesting when you start pouring people in there by the thousands and the millions and the billions.

And you all of a sudden say, „Where was it?“

But where the auditor stopped, is the first question I ask a preclear who’s in bad shape. „Where’d the auditor stop?“ And we get ahold of the auditor, and we say, „What happened between you and that preclear you was with last night? What happened?“ „Well, I tell you. Every t… every time he went into it, he would scream. And… and it was just the pain was too much for him – that was all. And he would… he would… I’d give him a mock-up on this and he’d start screaming. And… and so on, and he just couldn’t stand the pain.

„Well, I’m just… concept of it, let’s see. All right, now, go ahead.“

And he’d s… start – and then he finally got so he’d start to scream and then he’d go out unconscious. And uh… naturally, I had to change the technique!“

And you say, „What the hell? Let’s… let’s get that mock-up and let’s put it out in front of you.“

Ahhhh, why didn’t the auditor just tell me the truth? „I’m yellow. I didn’t want to hurt him“ because I was afraid it would hurt me.

„Oh, I can do that?“ he’ll say.

Do you know that creative processing carried out any distance at all will land a person into such things as a complete conviction that a cannonball is travelling right straight toward their middle, and that it is going to land any second. And they can practically feel the… the… the… the wind of its arrival. And they’re just certain, and sometimes they’ll look at you rather sadly and say „Well, my body is about to blow up and I hope you’ll take care of things a little bit for me. I hope it won’t get you in trouble.“

„Come on, let’s put it out in front of you. Let’s make it.“ A mock-up is a thing. It isn’t something somebody thought up as a concept, or imagined it or assumed that he could.

And what do you know? It never does: It just never happens. This expected instant doesn’t arrive. You might know that you were within a split inch of it, but it just doesn’t get there.

And you’ll very often find these cases that just… just get illusions just like mad. They haven’t even asked themselves, „Have I got an object?“ No, they haven’t got an object. It is not located in space and time; they’re in proximity to them. Here’s communication, then.

Now you can just stop and leave him with that expectancy and say „Oh, well, I will stop processing now because I don’t want to hurt you any more. I just can’t stand seeing you squirm and writhe.“

So you get bewildered as the devil sometimes. You’ll see some case that’s down there around 12 or 14, step 15, and they’ll just be doing wonderfully. „Brrrrrrrrrrrr!“

Uh… what you do when he gets into that sort of a situation? Do you suddenly change the process you’re using? Umm-umm. That’s not the time for change. Do not change process in the middle of a stream… in the middle of a scream. If the process which you’re using, got him there, the process which you used will get him through it. When you’re using creative processing or postulate processing.

You know, you say, „That’s just great! That’s just great! That’s just great!“

This doesn’t happen to be true of processing real facsimiles and flows. When they’re coming along, yes, you still chew on through. You’ve got to use those. But you can come… it can get a lot easier on the preclear and he doesn’t get any better. I mean, you can start and turn over to reality and say, „Well now, all right. We’ll process the real incident and that’ll ease it all up and that’ll take that cannonball out; that’s just a few… just a few passes at effort processing.“ Yes, it’ll take it off – um-hmm. And leave him stuck right there. Because you got him in there with one route and you’re trying to take him out with another route – it won’t work.

Unless you ask this one question: „Where is the mock-up? Where did you put it? What are you doing with it?“ Oh, maybe the preclear can immediately do these things, but they haven’t been doing ‘em. You’ll find out they’ll slow right on down – grind. And they aren’t going „Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup,“ anymore. They’re going „Yes. Hmmm yes. Yes. Hmm yes. Hmm.“

So you start creative processing. The preclear’s bright and cheerful and sunny – happy and everything else. And you’re just doing fine. And then you say, „All right, now get a tricycle. Now you’ve got the tricycle? Okay, now let’s have the tricycle, start doing an orbit around you clockwise. Let’s have it go around you. Now let’s stop it. Now let’s start it in…“

It’s about that time you pitch in and say,“ Well, only make it turn half a turn.“ You don’t give ‘em a chance to find out they couldn’t make it do a full turn.

The guy says, „You know, I feel terrible.“

And you’ll find out it’s an entirely different atmosphere settles down. And they’ll probably start what’s apparently down scale and start gettin’ mean and ornery and nasty and… and uh… vicious in various directions and… and they’ll start picking up some somatics and other things will start happening. I don’t mean slow ‘em down, I mean make them get what you’re asking them to get. When you tell them to do something, then find out if they did it.

And you say, „Well now, all right. Just keep the tricycle going around – just change it in its orbit and… so it goes backwards.“

If you were conning a ship and you didn’t get a repeat from the steersman, you’d be on the rocks sometime in your career – probably in the first year or so of your career – because you would have said, „Right standard rudder.“ There’s a big freighter coming down the channel, pocketa – pocketa – pocketa, and you say, „Right standard rudder.“ And you’d say, „Well, that’s good. We’ve now got…“ and the freighter is getting bigger and it’s getting bigger. „Well, I SAID ‘right standard rudder’.“ Finally you rush into the wheelhouse madder than hell! „What right standard rudder?“ you will find. Too late then. The Marine Insurance Company gets rich.

The guy says, „You know, I think I’m going to throw up.“

Yeah, if they didn’t have accidents, you see, they wouldn’t get rich. Wouldn’t have accidents, nobody’d ever insure anything.

You say, „Well now, just pass the tricycle on around. Now turn it red – turn it green.“

Well, anyhow, uh… didn’t that ever occur to you before? Well, anyway. Yeah, that’s why you can’t get an automobile campaign to stop automobile accidents in the United States. You can’t. It’s a billion buck business. If you didn’t have any automobile accidents, nobody would ever buy any insurance. They’ve got insurance up at the roof now. Brother, it’s really at the roof!

„My God! he says, „You know I can’t stand this!“

I think they have five thousand dollar deductible, or something like that, and the car costs you two hundred dollars and the insurance costs you eighteen hundred dollars. And if you have an accident, you pay the company five thousand – or something like that. They’ve got it really worked out real good,

And you say, „… And turn it pink, and turn it lavender. Now turn it upside down. Now put a little dolly on it.“

Uh… now, communication line with the preclear… communication line with the preclear consists of an outgoing communication from the auditor and a return communication from the preclear. Deal in certainties; deal only in certainties. When you have a communication with the… line with the preclear, find out if you have a communication line with the preclear. And deal in certainties.

The guy says, „Oh, God! If you only knew how I felt! You wouldn’t make me go on with this!“

If you are dealing with a preclear who can’t communicate with you very well, make it possible for them to do so. If you will just give some person who can’t talk adequately, a switch on a little light lamp or a flashlight or something so that they can say ‘blink’ and ‘blink-blink’, or – fix it up so they nod ‘yes and no’, or… or… or some sort of a system like that…

And you say, „All right, now run it between your legs and run it over the top of your head – that’s right. Now let’s have it going around again.“

Or if they’re deaf and they can’t hear what you’re saying, you can do an awful lot of auditing with ‘em with SELF ANALYSIS by just sitting there and putting your pencil on the lines until they say, „Um-hmm,“ or when they say, „Hmm-umm.“ Then have a little note pad there right alongside of you so that you can give them a modification of what they couldn’t do. You get the idea?

Of course, you’re talking to empty air by this time. He just passed out. So you kind of wait till he comes to a little bit, and you say, „All right, now take the tricycle and put it into orbit around you. Now turn it red – now turn it white – now turn it green.“

Communication is a two-way proposition and is never a one-way proposition. And when it gets into a one-way proposition, it’s very bad.

He can keep that up for some time. He can just keep passing out and all sorts of things. And every time he gets a little bit conscious, pass the tricycle around him again.

If I never listened to, for instance, to what difficulty auditors were having, and if I never assessed what auditors were doing, boy we would really be drifting off in a dream castle with these lectures. If I never observed what was happening. If I pulled a Howes on you… or a… any other dull character and just go off into an airy cloud of ‘Let’s pretend’, you wouldn’t have enough information to bother with. This wouldn’t even vaguely fit the MEST universe.

Are you interested in what’s, quote, ‘really happening’? No, you’re interested in what’s actually happening. This is a subject we’re going to have to take up at some length, some length: What’s actually happening and what’s really happening.

I could give you the theoretical data that would fit any universe – sure, sure. Yeah. I could give you a theory by which you could go to work, maybe, and find out what was going on.

What’s actually happening is what the preclear would determine. And what’s really happening is what the MEST universe would LOVE to tell him what’s happening. And you don’t even vaguely know why it is. Was it because his tricycle was run over by a street car when he was young? Was his tricycle, because it was taken away from him, does it remind him of this and that?

The reason why this subject’s gotten as far as it has and we’re getting the results I have, is because I have a two-way communication line. You’d be surprised what kind of a communication line it is sometimes. It’s quite often not a talk or letter communication line – of recent months particularly.

You might find this astonishing fact: You’re dealing with wheels, and wheels have to do with some kind of electric… electronic implant way down the track someplace. You don’t care where it came from. The guy can’t face a wheel. He’s facing wheels though, isn’t he? Push him through. The guy’s unexcited about the whole thing. Just keep him going through – keep him handling it. And then the first thing you know, why, what… what do you think happens? If you just left him at that point where he says, „I… I know I’m going to throw up,“ and everything, do you know that you could actually just knock off at that point and… and this can happen: He could go home and then go to the hospital for an operation or something. You know you could do that? Just so you didn’t hurt him, you could butcher him. Just because you were afraid to hurt him, you could kill him.

But I get it from preclears, I get it from auditors. I get successful usages in the strangest ways. I find out whose bank balances are what. Yeah. I find out who’s being very successful about it.

You start him into a sequence where he’s feeling bad and then you say, „Well, it’s late now“ and you knock it off. And he figures he’s all right. Doesn’t look too bad. He gets up the next day and boy, is he in apathy – in horrible shape and so on. He didn’t handle what you set out for him to handle.

I find out the boys that are being the most successful about it, from a standpoint of bank balances out as practicing auditors, and so on, are putting up with the least nonsense. That’s fascinating, isn’t it? They’re putting up with the least nonsense. They’re being cause. They’re not agreeing with anybody worth a damn.

I’ll tell you uh… I… I did this one time to a girl and uh… I’d processed her for about three hours. And right at the end of the three hours, I’d – you see I’d made… I’d omitted doing something I should have done. I didn’t intend to process her very long. She was scheduled for a hospital and I got her over it somewhat and got her worry over about it, to postpone that. And I was just working on that – getting careless in re antiquity. I didn’t give her an assessment. I didn’t take the E-Meter and add up on a slip of paper the can’ts – ‘create and destroy on the dynamics’. I would have picked this up, bang, if I’d given her an assessment. She couldn’t do anything to Mama.

And I find out all the boys that are running around saying, „Well, I’ll prove it to you if I can,“ are broke. And I find all the boys that are running around and saying, „We’ve got to have the acceptance of the American Spoodle-Pad Dog Cleaners Association.“ That’s one of the earlier chartered names of the AMA, I think – uh… they’re broke, too. They’re broke too.

Instead of picking it up on an E-Meter, I picked it up in processing. That’s really, if you want to know the truth of the matter, you can gauge your cases. But that’s the wrong place to pick it up. You want to pick it up on the E-Meter and then you know it’s there. You know that she can’t do anything to Mama;

And the characters that are running around saying, „Well, Hubbard’s no good. Hubbard’s no good. And what’s wrong with Scientology is Hubbard“ – they’re broke. And furthermore, they’re much more thoroughly hated than I am. They don’t realize the people they’re talking to happen to be agreeing with them for politeness’s sake. But a lot of people they talk to then immediately and automatically decide that Hubbard must be wonderful.

Right at the end of the session, why I suddenly found out that I’d said, „Now have your mother come in.“ I was just going through this and that and nyeowwww! Well, I straightened her out on it and sort of scanned it out and passed it over. It’s not too unreasonable. After all, it was two thirty in the morning, and I’d only intended to process her for a half an hour, and I’d been at it for about three hours.

In real fact, neither one of them have a sound opinion of the matter. It just goes on opposites.

And uh… the next morning she was truly, truly spinning – in apathy. Didn’t want anything more to do with Scientology, didn’t have any hopes of anything ever occurring, uh… was furious with her old auditor, was doing a bit of an hallucination about what evaluation I had made out of her old auditor, was very certain I’d been very scathing about the other auditor she’d had – making trouble, see? And… and all of this – and she was in terrible condition. When she left there she was all right – she was quite high. But the realization she ‘couldn’t do anything to Mama’ brought up in processing had sufficiently depressed her.

So if you could have a hundred thousand people going around saying how horrible Hubbard was, you could just absolutely count on the fact that I would have a couple hundred thousand friends in practically no time at all. They’d say, „Who is this Hubbard?“ „Well, he’s the fellow that invented the Goodyear Tire formula – a fine fellow. Must be something in Goodyear Tires. Let’s buy Goodyear Tires.“

Now that is inadvertent. I was just unwilling to sit there beyond two thirty in the morning. But get this: I had made a mistake. At the time I did it there wasn’t enough data to really say these things were or weren’t mistakes. But this was about the second or third time it had happened. So I started to check up on it and I find out this is about the worst mistake you can make.

It’s just as irrational as that.

You sail into this case, and you don’t do any assessment. And then you start giving them creative processing. Nooo! You don’t know what you’re running into at all, what can’t they create, what can’t they destroy. You’ll find out all sorts of things.

Now two-way communication line. Well, you’re sitting here – you’ve got a subject. It’s uh… been kind of a rough deal, but it was gotten on a two-way communication system. Not just one – you observe. See, communication is, in essence, observation. You want somebody else to observe, they want you to observe. Or they don’t want you to observe and you do, and you don’t want them to observe and they do.

So, the next morning, she’s in apathy. Takes this other auditor about 24 hours of talking to her very quietly and me talking to her and so forth to square her around. And all the other auditor did immediately was just push through Creation-Destruction mock-ups of ‘Mama.

Any way that you want to rig it. It’s observation. And when you think of communications ordinarily, you think of it in symbolical terms: Letters, talk – that sort of thing. That’s not a communication line. A communication line has to do with perception, and the essence of perception is observation.

Bang! She snapped right out of it, up scale. This was after this girl had been out of her body, too. Interesting, isn’t it?

And then people that communicate the worst, you can automatically say about them people, that they are observing the least. Or what they’re – observing, they’re observing wrong. Or they’re afraid they will observe it wrong. Or they’re afraid they’ll observe it right and therefore don’t dare observe.

Well, there’s a case of not wanting in courage, but just being bored. I was frankly bored with the case. At two thirty in the morning, I had better things to do. And she didn’t look in bad shape. I hadn’t assigned any goals for this case beyond ‘Well, let’s snap her out of it so she doesn’t have to go to the hospital.’ She didn’t have to go to the hospital – .she went into apathy.

So you get the idea: It isn’t just what your preclear’s saying. It’s what he’s doing. Honest to Pete! I’ve seen auditors… I’ve just stood with horror and watched a session going on. Preclear… eyes begin to turn red and they’re watering, you know, and the preclear’s in horrible condition. And he’s getting… terrible condition! And the auditor is insisting on going ahead in some entirely different tack, you see. And he’s just passed right over the subject that he was just on, and he’s off on some other subject.

You can do the same thing any time for any reason for any cause that you suddenly back up from a ‘can’t’, evidently. You start them into a ‘can’t’ and then you back up.

He said, „All right,“ – now he… he’s just got through saying, „Take your mother now. Now stuff her into the stove. Okay, now take grandfather and stuff him into the stove.“ And all of a sudden the auditor’s eyes are completely red as fire – pardon me, the preclear’s eyes are as red as fire – and the auditor is just going on with another type of mock-up entirely. He hit something. He hit something and it’s just about as observable… it isn’t… doesn’t take any fine insight. Uh… all… all it takes is, „Don’t sit there and look at your own shoes!“

All right, when they start running mock-ups, they’re running mock-ups of a certain kind, and the next darn thing you know, why, they… they’re telling you, „My God! Under no circumstances could I possibly mock up this or that or something or other.“ And you started in on a gradient scale.

Sometime – I mean, these signs are strictly red paint. They… exclamation point! Bells like… You know these fancy, great big pinball games that cost a quarter to play? Did you ever see one? Well, I just invented ‘em. They’re ten times as big as any… any pinball machine imaginable, and they not only have bells, but they have gongs and sirens on them. And if you fancied a uh… machine up like this and had its lights flashing and sparklers going and firecrackers going off inside of the things, and big searchlights and small men hitting huge gongs with hammers, the way London Films runs, uh… you get some kind of an idea of, really, the picture you’re looking at. I mean, it’s this active. It isn’t just this… this thing sitting there. It’s moving. It’s… it’s emoting. It’s acting. It’s got… conditions are happening.

Well, after they’ve mocked it up for a short time, they start to get sick or… or they feel electronic thunder bursts going on around their heads and something…

If… if in a single session you don’t kind of watch this preclear’s face change five or six times, you’re not getting anyplace. You haven’t done a good assessment.

What fixed them up? More of it. And if you’re running out of ideas, just grab SELF ANALYSIS and feed ‘em those mock-ups, give them that mock-up and then place it in the various vicinities and handle it and turn it upside down and turn it in colors around the body. That’ll do it too – that also will work.

But if you’ve done a good assessment and you’re giving just routine mock-up processing, you’re really watching something happen. And then you’ll get off into a monotone. You’re still watching something happen from a preclear – monotone. He starts saying, „Yeah – yeah – yeah – yeah. Yam.“ No relief. You missed it. You missed picking up a ‘can’t’. He couldn’t do something and didn’t indicate it to you. And his perceptions start to get worse and worse and worse and the mock-ups get poorer and poorer and poorer. You just missed the boat utterly. He got… he sank into kinda a boredom. Because he missed something.

Now what is the missing ingredient here? It isn’t lack of courage in all cases. It’s just not going through to the effect which you desire to produce, that’s all. You just fell short and decided there was something else that you ought to go off on.

At least every 20 minutes your preclear ought to laugh – at least every 20 minutes in a process. He ought to… he ought to giggle or feel relieved or something of the sort. If you’re not doing that, you’re not hitting close home. And you’re missing ‘can’ts’.

Did you ever hear of a rabbit dog, did you ever hear of a bird dog that couldn’t be broken of chasing rabbits? Well, there are such things. And eventually in dispair, they really fix ‘em up, Guy’s got a quail… this dog he’s been trained to hunt quail and they’ve got out there and that dog’s going out and hunting quail and he’s chasing quail and flushing quail. And all of a sudden he finds a rabbit went across that road and he takes around, right after that rabbit, just zingedy-boom! To hell with the quail. And you don’t happen to want quail. You don’t want anything to do with quail, but uh… the dog – oh, pardon me. He doesn’t want anything to do with quail all of a sudden and you want the quail. You don’t want anything to do with rabbits.

You told him, „All right. All right now, you take your dog – got your dog now? All right. Put him in front of you there. All right, now make him bark. Now pick up the sound of that bark. Now make him bark sadly.“

Well, you cure that dog by suddenly taking the rabbit, or a rabbit, and tying it around his neck and letting him walk for days and days and days with this decaying rabbit around his neck. And he’ll finally get so apathetic about rabbits, that after that he will hunt only quail.

And the guys says, „Uh… yeah – yeah! Make him bark sadly. That’s right – ha-ha! He’s saying, ‘Wuff.’„

Now that is the best method of breaking them which I know.

You say, „All right, now make him bark with great enthusiasm.“

Now. I am sure that none of you want a screaming preclear tied around your neck because you… But the truth of the matter is some auditors just get obsessed on going some other direction, diving off the track and going in some other way. They start a process and then they never finish it. They start it and they never finish it and they start it and they never finish it.


See, it’s easy to start things in this universe and it’s damn tough to conclude them. And a guy gets into a habit of never finishing anything. Don’t let that one show up in your processing of preclears.

„All right, now put him behind you and uh… make him wag his tail. Now get the feeling of the tail slapping from side to side. Now actually feel that tail hit as though it’s something solid. You got that?“ „Yeah.“ „Now, all right. Put him below you. You got him?“ „Yeah.“ „Put him above your head.“ „Yeah.“ „Put him on the right of you.“ „Yeah.“ „Put him on the left of you.“ „Yeah“.

If you are alert to the fact that you’re doing this, well, for heaven’s sakes! Under no circumstances should you set, then, big pieces of havingness in terms of an effect. In other words, don’t get yourself great, big goals. Get little tiny ones. Put yourself on a gradient scale with the preclear. „Now I’m going to finish this. Now I’m going to finish that. Now I’m going to finish something or other.“ Get yourself accustomed to finishing something.

Uh-umm. You missed the boat somewhere! He hasn’t got that dog, that’s all. If you were to ask him suddenly, „Have you got the dog?“ she’d say, „Yes.“ That isn’t good enough.

And when your preclear starts sparking and sparkling and the… the… the uh… stuff starts to scream along with the E-Meter diving in all directions because shocks are passing through it and you’re all upset and going around in circles, just give them more of what you’re doing to them – because it’ll work – in mock-ups.

You say, „Where?“

And that is about the… You see, the process is easy. The process won’t fail you, but you possibly could back up in view of the fact that you hate to hurt preclears. You say, „Well, we’re hurting him so much, we’d better stop.“ Nahh! Butcher them.

„In front of me. He kept on standing in front of me and I kept putting on… oh, now I’ve got about four dogs around here, but I’ll get ‘em assembled any minute – any minute now. And I finally figured out that they’re facsimiles of the same dog in front of me, and they’re just memories of this dog in front of me. And I…“ He… he really did that. So after a while, then he’d sud… if you just kept on he would say, „Well, I didn’t uh… quite uh…“ He just didn’t make the grade and uh… he just went into apathy about it and now he’s got a little shadow or something that… he’s fooling around with this little shadow.

By the way, if you go in with sort of the motto, „Well, let’s… let’s give him creative processing and then ruin him,“ you never will. Reverse vectors of the MEST universe.

Now he’s told you everything’s black. All of a sudden he said, „Everything’s black.“

If you say, „All right, now let’s go in here with Creative Processing and uh… make him feel light and cheerful and airy,“ you’ll probably butcher him – reverse vectors, you see. What’s your intention?

You say, „All right. Get a black spot, do this with it, do that with it, do something or other with it. Handle it this way.“

Well, the better intention is d… just „Well, let’s see if we can kill him.“ That’s right. Or, „Let’s see if we can make him utterly decay before our very eyes,“ and he’ll fool you. The process itself carries right on through.

And he’ll go, „All right. Yeah. Fine. Fine. Fine.“

Well, you set up what you’re trying to do and you set it up on a good assessment and you carry it through with enough persistence to get you through to the end and you never blink. The guy says… let’s… starts letting out piercing screams that you’re sure can be heard blocks away – they probably can be. Probably the police will be there at your door in a very short space of time. And you’ll do well if you just tell them – don’t tell them you’re a Scientologist; tell them Dianetics. They’re used to complaints about that.

And you say, „All right. Now put something out in front of you. Now put something else out in front of you. Now put it behind you.“

And uh… give them your attention to carrying forward the process which made them that way – because you’ll be doing Creative Processing or Postulate Processing, one or the other. And he’ll just get that way and that’s the way they are. And then they get right on through it.

He’s a little bit puzzled, but he’s going ahead and doing this. Find out what he’s doing. You… he’s changed. I mean, you don’t have to have a whole flock of theta perceptics on him. You’ve either got a meter on him and the meter suddenly started to knock around, which is the easiest way to see changes, or you simply look at him, and he’s all of a sudden got a… a big twitch, like this, you know? Something… something not quite easily observed.

It’s fantastic to see somebody coming in and he’s – you don’t know what’s wrong with him. You put him on an E-Meter and you can’t find anything he can create and you can’t find… you can’t find a… anything he can destroy. You just… he’s just naauu – he just keeps falling off the meter and he can’t create anything and he can’t destroy anything, and he can’t be and he is not and uh… he’s a shaking wreck, he’s trembling and… and he’s got twitches and uh… y… you’ll just say, „Oh, no! Oh, what did I do to find this on my doorstep this morning?“ And so…

And you say, „What’s the matter? What… what are you doing there? Did you get it behind you all right?“ „Well, yes.“ You say, „Well, how did you get it behind you?“

How do you handle the case? You sit down and you say, „Well, let’s see. Ron didn’t tell me uh… what you did with one of these extreme cases. It’s just uh… person apparently completely out of line. I can’t understand it. Don’t know what we’ll do about this.“

„Well, I’ve developed a system for doing this.“ „Now what sort of a system have you developed for doing this?“

No, you don’t do that. What you do is find out how good he is at the creation of mock-ups and then start him at the lowest level of his abilities – I mean, his… the level that you can attain, where you’re absolutely sure that he is doing what you’re asking him to do. And then keep checking up on him, and uh… you just carry it through from there. That’s all. you could do about it. And you will come out all right in the end.

„Well, the system I’ve just developed for this, is when I move them behind me I found out I had a lot of trouble getting the thing from there to there. So what I would do is I would recreate one behind me and drop a black curtain over the one in front of me.“

You see, my mistake was not in, really, on this girl, uh… omitting the assessment. If I’d had unlimited time, I would have plowed right straight on through that. But here was a great big bug sitting there on the track, ready to bite. And I didn’t have time, I thought, to carry through with it. So I lost the next 24 hours. It wouldn’t have taken me another 15 minutes to have her in the condition where she was chewing Mama’s head off, really.

Here’s the source of this boy’s occlusion. And you look around and you say, „Hey. Reach over now in front of you and lift that curtain. Now find another black curtain and lift that.“

Now uh… another thing you can do… now that’s – of course, there’s always these two crimes in processing. You call them the ‘tion’s’: Invalida-tion and Evalua-tion and, one which I will cover a little later, Convic-tion. Those are the ‘shuns’ as an auditor. Leave them alone.

My God! He’s looking at every mock-up you’ve given him. He’s still got ‘em all sitting in front of him. He needs to be drilled on time, in other words. He’s drilled on putting things in yesterday and getting rid of things once he has them, making them disappear. Just drill him on it – on a gradient scale.

It’s all very well. Every once in a while I bust my own rules. You’ve always got the privilege to say you’re busting rules. Every once in a while I bust my own rules, and every time I do, I’m sorry. I can bust all kinds of rules in processing end never get in serious trouble. But when I start busting the ‘tion’s’ I generally get a little bit sorry, one way or the other – something will happen.

„Just put up. something and put it in yesterday.“ And he says, „I can’t.“

All right, persistence then is of the essence, leaving reality alone is of the essence, and handling actuality only. That is, when I say ‘actuality’ I mean the preclear’s universe. And remembering that he’s only a preclear. Quite important. Don’t put an overevaluation on your preclear, because, you see, when it becomes serious and important you’ll do a kind of a MEST level job on him. It’s not serious and it’s not important. If you weren’t there, this person would do what everybody else would have done. It isn’t scheduled and there was no law passed that you had to be there and you had to help. No law’s been passed to that effect. That’s not scheduled on the MEST universe time track, you won’t find it in any annals, you won’t even find it in the predictions of Nostradamus. This thing isn’t on the list, it isn’t on the docket, what we’re doing here. There’s a lot of things that are on the docket that won’t ever happen because we’re doing this. In other words, we junked the docket. And then, therefore, whatever your fate line of Mr. Preclear is, or whatever he might have expected to have done and gone to his grave and become eaten by worms and uh… never know anything anymore – now that’s scheduled. So that you are there, is fortuitous. You’re doing him such a hell of a favor, you never have to ask for his license to survive. You never have to ask him to be permitted to survive – never.

And you say, „Well, put up something smaller and less significant and put it in yesterday.“ And you finally get something so worthless that he can part with it.

If I impress anything upon you, you don’t have any duty to help him out. And if you do a good job, the only one that’s going to pat you on the back is you. Not your preclear, not his family, not me – that’s wrong! I will. I always feel just as pleased as the dickens.

And, suppose he couldn’t do any of these things? Give him a toothpick and tell him to throw it out the window. „Now throw another toothpick out the window. Now get a mock-up of a toothpick and throw it out the window. Oh, you’ve got that? All right, get a mock-up of two toothpicks and throw them out the door. Oh, you’ve got that? Okay.“

Every once in a while some auditor will call me up, two, three, four o’clock in the morning, saying, „You know! I just finished this session and this guy walked in and he had a club leg or a… a cauliflower ear or… or his brain had been reversed in his head and was now in his left foot“ or something of the sort, „and uh… I just got through working him him for 12 hours solid. And you know, you couldn’t tell the difference. And he went home, and he just called me back, and his wife didn’t recognize him when he walked in!“

And you go right on up along the line and mock-ups all clear up and everything’s getting beautiful. Honest to Pete, they will do the damnedest things! You’ll think they’ve got some comprehension… a preclear’s got some comprehension of what’s happening. And he’ll all of a sudden start to kid himself.’ And then he’ll start to kid you like mad. And if you aren’t watching him, if you haven’t got him on an E-Meter, you might as well be just talking to the moon.

Good! I just get cheerful as hell about it! It’s wonderful.

He’ll recover from this sooner or later, he’d pick it up next session or something of the sort. But from the moment that he hits a heavy ‘can’t’ and it’s missed, from then on things get dimmer and worse. That’s one for you to put in the book.

But as far as appreciation of your good works is concerned, the main reason you got into… first time you really ever got into trouble was when you thought that you appreciating you was bad. That’s typical of this universe. You’re not supposed to like you, you see. And you go around and you say, „Excuse me for being me.“ The use of the first person is very much frowned upon, although you find in the very vital societies of the past, the very strong ones, the ones which nothing was ever able to run down – the guys used to walk out customarily and say, „Well, I’ll give you my opinion and it’s the opinion of the wisest and best and smartest man anywhere in this tribe.“

Your job is to establish ‘can’, the condition of ‘can’ in the preclear – not the condition of ‘can’t’. And if you’ve got any kind of a goal at all, that… that would be the goal! You’re establishing ‘can’. He CAN create snakes.

Ohh! How would that sound? How would that sound in England or America today. No, no! And yet – the Germanic tribes were still going forward, by the way, had just made another push. And the Roman legions that had them buttoned up have all been dead, lo! these many centuries.

And you start right out here at the beginning with an assessment to find out what he can’t, so that you can increase his capability. And you start right out at the beginning. You can give all kinds of sessions to people – little odds and ends of sessions and so forth, and maybe three- quarters of the time get away with it without giving him any assessment. Nine-tenths of the time, maybe, you can get away without an assessment.

The Teutonic knight method of conversation was the subject of great ridicule to the Romans who were trying to conquer him, because the knight would ride forth to the banks of a stream which was being held by legionnaires and he would tell them that he was the best doggoned knight that ever existed. And he could lick them all single-handed and uh… that was his opinion. And in view of the fact that it was his opinion, then it must be true.

But, like me, you’re gonna hit somebody at 2:30 in the morning and all of a sudden hit THE ‘can’t’ on the case. It was sitting right there ALL THE TIME.

And boy, the Roman legions have been in there and out of there and chewed them up and thrown them over the side. And they still have that kind of a streak running through them.

Your whole job would have been finished in about a half an hour if you’d found it first. And instead of that, you’ve processed him for three hours, then found the ‘can’t’ suddenly in processing, and then decided that you couldn’t afford any more time on it; you’re tired and you’d better get some sleep.

When I say ‘vitality’ I mean force, strength and so forth.

And you will spend the next several nights undoing that one probably. You can just waste more time if you don’t get an assessment. You can just waste time all over the place. I think you could probably waste hundreds and hundreds of hours of processing in any one year – processing even indifferently. Just hundreds and hundreds of hours.

Now, they shouldn’t be held up as any kind of a model, but do you remember a time when your self-confidence was very high, when you had a great deal of confidence in yourself. You… you knew what you could do. You had good self-confidence. You remember such a time, or is it too long ago?

Every once in a while… for instance, I just found one here. I won’t mention any names but… I don’t want to disgrace anybody.

Well, if you can spot such a time in your life, just try and answer this next question. This next question is simply this: How many times since have you told people you didn’t have any self-confidence? And how many times have you been very careful not to have any? How many times have you falsely and needlessly sought for somebody’s opinion on something? You go around – you know that you don’t want their opinion but you go around and say, „I would like to have your opinion of this“ – you want their approval of this or, „We’re looking for this“ or „We’re looking for that with regard to this.“ Ha-ha! Phooey!

I tell you, after you’ve been processing preclears for a little while, you’ll find they break down into classes. And they’re not classes of GEs – I’ll talk to you about that right now. They’re not classes of GEs.

Yeah, you can’t be a homo sapiens and be right. And one of the best reasons there is in all that line is, is you can’t have any self-confidence and still be polite. MEST universe. Don’t think it has anything to do with politeness. It’s a big control operation.

The Genetic Entity has come up in terms of races. There’s the yaller race and the white race and… and the green race, and so forth. The number of races that have come up the track – we don’t care about these races.

Do you know what would happen if you would customarily say to your preclear, „You know I am probably… probably uh… the most skilled practitioner in the field of any of the arts of healing, anywhere, on the East coast.“

If… the fact that somebody is trying to tell people that these races have equal rights under law isn’t telling anybody any brand-new big news – it’s darned obvious that they should have. It’s very weird here on Earth, that anybody should beat the drum about this.

You think… you… you’re immediate reaction is, they would go away and they would say, „That conceited jackass!“ That’s what you’d think they’d say. But that isn’t what they say when you say that to them. They say, „Well, he’s pretty cocky – well, he probably is. Of course, he’s no… I mean, he’s hell to talk to,“ or something like that. But uh… he probably is.

Well, that throws everything out of gear and why a lot of people get racial upsets is because there are really about 15 th… at least 12 or 15 thetan races here on Earth. And they’re scattered all through these five races – which is beautiful randomity, if there ever was any.

You know, you should track some of these reactions, because there’s the reactions which people would like you to think happened, and that ‘everybody knows’ happened, and the reactions which occur.

You’ve got the GEs coming along and they fit into about five racial streams, and then… then you’ve got about… then you’ve got all these thetans.

I know… I know a girl who was just homely as hell. She used to tell everybody with great confidence how beautiful she really was. And it would startle them to such an extent they would think their powers of perception were bad. She had more boyfriends than you could count. She used to spend all her time telling them how lucky they were, too. Fascinating, isn’t it! What everybody knows is true, generally isn’t.

They, just recently, on recent spirals, they were all basically more or less the same in the beginning, and then they’ve gone off and because of their separate tracks, the separateness of their histories, the differences of their history, you have, all of a sudden – by the way, they’re all about the same age. And you have… all of a sudden you have 12 or 15 thetan backgrounds which have 12 or 15 different characteristics.

All right, then when we get down to Standard Operating Procedure, Issue Three, we find out that there is a variable in the procedure. There is a variable in it.

And so it doesn’t matter whether you have the so-called Caucasian or the Aztec race – I think that was what… wasn’t that what that was the Nazi had the… Or was it a Caesarian… I forget. Oh, yes – yeah. The Arrogants, Uh… anyway, it doesn’t matter a doggone which one of these GEs you pick up, you’ll find out really what’s important about him is does he fall… which one of the thetan races does he fall into, in terms of processing, and actually in terms of interpersonal relationships. These guys are trained in a particular and cruelty way. And I don’t care whether you’re in the heart of Africa or any place else.

Not very much of a variable, fortunately. If an auditor – because it doesn’t depend on his good sense. If an auditor will simply apply it as IT, the variable is not large.

Now I don’t know too much about… I’ve processed an awful lot of Negroes down around Savannah, and I didn’t find them varying from the pattern in any way, shape or form. Not even vaguely. And… but amongst them here were evidences that you had these 12 or 15 thetan lines coming in there.

But this variable will to a large extent establish the amount of time required to apply it.

There’s the Snake Men, there’s the Invaders – I won’t bother putting them down. You’ll recognize them one of these days. I’ll have to make up a table. I’ve got to do this research myself. I haven’t picked up this research. I’ve… I can do all the job they should have done over the last 80 million years here in the last couple, but I… I… it takes a little time. Uh… not much…

And that’s the auditor. The variable isn’t in whether or not I gave you the answers, now, because you’ve got the answers. I have talked to you here now for many, many hours about theory, theory. And as I outline these operations and outline these techniques even further, you will see this theory is not just theory, that it’s very easily applied.

But they… you’ve got your Invader People. You’ve got a crew of… well, let me tell you the classifications they fall into here.

Actually, I’m pulling a little bit of an operation on you. This thing has gotten so simple now that I have to make it… dress it up – I have to dress it up and give it more width and scope than it has, because it actually is just Standard Operating Procedure, Creation of your own universe, how do you do it? Spacation, Creative Processing and Changing Postulates.

A lot of your entertainers and uh… some of the bigger sparks that you run into are Fifth Invader people or one of the Invader Force people. These guys come in from Lord knows where; they’re picked up in certain groups, sometimes picked up for a certain capability. They’re trained in one way or another, and they’ll hit planets, and so on, sort of all at once. Hit ‘em in various and peculiar ways.

And we have various kinds of cases; and they fall in seven categories. And uh… you find out what category they’re in this way, and you use an E-Meter so-and-so and you find out what they can create and destroy – and you mock this up and you find out they’re all right. That… that’s really about all there is to it.

And uh… they’ve been through enough hell and high water that when they get… by the time they’ve gotten here, they’re pretty well convinced their power’s shot. And they have… the… their… they… they feel pretty degraded. They don’t feel like they’re worth a shucks. They don’t feel like they can use any energy. They… they feel like they’ve got to hold this back. They usually have a pretty good imagination. The way you treat these people is very simple: You go through a routine assessment.

But you, of course, in the end – result is not in question. None of these results are in questions. Even this variable on the part of the auditor isn’t very badly in question.

Now an assessment should carry parts of the body, and with these people you will find ‘hands’ produce quite a drop. You don’t even have to know, see, why ‘hands’ produce this drop. You don’t have to credit the Invader theory. You can go ahead stumbling around like everybody else has stumbled around. You don’t have to say there are Invaders or anybody lives in space. You can assume the, what’s known as the ‘Anthropomorphism uh… Earthman Supersanitary Sentarianism of the Universeish’ type of thing, where the only thing alive in this whole universe is an earthman, and uh… the only planet which is inhabited in all these quadrillions to the quadrillion quadrillion quadrillion of stars, the only one that has any planets is Sun 12, and uh… you can assume this if you want to. I mean, people have assumed a lot more idiotic things. They’ve assumed that, they’ve assumed that wearing glasses made your eyes better.

But you actually could be so hungry to trap thetans that you’ll do anything but use Standard Operating Procedure.

Now… so these characters have run into the cops and… and they’ve gotten their hands bashed up. Well, you’d find out, if you were running this case, you’d find a certain series of ‘can’ts’ and if you ask all ‘can’ts’ and these races bust down automatically. You’d find out something was wrong with their hands, or they had an emotion about hands.

There’s an incident known as Fac One. Fac One uses sound – great big machine with a big hand crank on it and it’s grind, grind, grind, grind, grind. It poured sound and waves and push-pull and that sort of thing at a body, and it trapped the thetan pretty badly in the body.

And this would be rehabilitated by Creative Processing to make them be able to handle hands. Isn’t that difficult? And uh… you’d also find out that they were pretty hepped on the subject of… on the second dynamic. They’re quivery and upset about it. When you put out a communication line, you find out it starts at the far end and leads back to them.

And that incident has practically been done to anybody there is around here. It’s a fascinating incident and it some… happened anywheres from a million years ago to eight hundred thousand years ago. Pardon me, eight thousand years ago. I found one three thousand years ago here on Earth. But uh… the people who did that incident were doing something that many people did all the way down the track. They’re trying to trap thetans and make them work.

One of the Invader forces has this slogan that they… that the paymaster is sensation, and that’s all the pay there is as far as they’re concerned. So they’re operating in a unit, they have certain goals and plans. We’re not even interested in those. We’re just interested in this fact.

Now you’ll every once in a while find one of these people – flagrant example of this – and they are actually in the Operator’s valence of Fac One. It stands out like a search light. They’re in the Operator’s valence of Fac One. They will do and say and behave like the Operator in Fac One. They are just carrying forward on engrams. They are not sent here on any kind of a mission. We call these people ‘monitors’. And they very often will walk up to you and want to prove it all, and they stick their face in your face and… and they… they just try to pin you down.

And what’s the next thing? You get the ‘can’t’, you find out that darkness is a keynote. They’re hiding. That darkness has a great value to them. They want to hide in that darkness. Very often you start to ask them to mock up a cop. „Ha, ha! No. No!“ But they’ll be able to get the badge sooner or later and do something with the badge. And what’s the gradient scale of ‘cop’? Well, a badge, and then a cap and a stick and a gun and the rest of it, until you’ve got a ‘cop’. And then you move him in and out and do things with him. Oh, that’s uh… very simple, isn’t it? This is just routine then.

There’s… you’ve known quite a few of them around these operations. They’ll blow up in the operation after a while – they go nuts. Because they find out the operation is just too strong in terms of knowledge to do anything. They’re just dramatizing. They don’t know why they’re doing it. If they realized why they were doing it they’d practically blow their brains out.

All right, you take your Snake Man. Just as far as processing is concerned, there’s nothing easier. Where this becomes interesting is in terms of behavior. And you don’t care about that either. Your Snake Man’s going around… he’s very quiet. He wants you to prove everything. Prove, prove, prove, prove. And if there’s any gadget made under the sun which is mechanical that will restimulate an incident which he finds, he’s bound to find it and turn it out – somehow or other. Or make some preclear test it. Prove, prove, prove, prove.

They require a very cagey auditor in order to process them – very fast, cagey auditor to catch them and nail them down but mock-up processing will fix them up.

One I know of, for instance, bought a couch that had a vibrator in it, then he stepped up the vibrator so it would automatically restimulate Fac One. He put the guy down on the thing so his forehead touched the button that the vibrator vibrated on, and uh… then he’d lie there and this thing would shake him up and it’s just feel like the waves coming in from the Coffee Grinder of a Fac One. Make people very sick. But uh… he proved it all right.

The monitor, Fac One. You’ve got to prove it, he’ll hold you down, he wants to know this and that. And boy, when he starts operating on a preclear, God help the preclear. Boy! He’ll do anything he can do to invalidate the preclear, at the same time very smoothly pretending to do a good job of processing – very smoothly pretending to. He’s usually a Five – Step Five – and he just will take Standard Operating Procedure, Issue Three, and it just won’t work in his hands, that’s all.

Well, his main idea is, is he will protect snakes. He’ll… he’ll – create snakes like mad, but he wouldn’t destroy any.

And the reason it won’t work in his hands is because he doesn’t do it. There’s nothing esoteric about it, he says, „Step two feet back of your head. Oh, you’re there? Well, ahh-um-hummm. You’re there, eh? You can’t see the back of your head… Oh, you can? You mean you’re detached from your body?“

Another one’s the Cat People. God knows where the Cat People came from. Lord! Lord! Lord! These people are sure lost. Most of them are mad as hatters. And they have huge, huge, often slanted… they… they’ll take the GE and they will change the GE’s eyes to large and slanted; they’ll make the GE grow very thin. And the eyes will be big and quite often uh… uh… very feline. And they’re lost. They don’t know where they are. And they kinda look like cats. And they’ll talk to you about catbirds from some place or another.

And the guys says „Oh, look, I am?“ – smash! Back in he comes.

But what do we find in their case? We find out that cats are a ‘can’t destroy’. And then there are other people who are similar to that that; find cats that can’t destroy that aren’t part of the Cat People, because to be a good valid cat person one of the first requisites is to be strictly fruitcake and very thin. They’re really lost. I don’t know who got hold of the Cat People or where or brought them in to the track, but they spin as quick as you look at them. You’ve known some of them, I’m sure. They’re kind of: sweet and they’re kind of anxious to help, and they’re kind of starry-eyed and they’re not very forceful – they’re very weak. And uh… all of a sudden, if – you were to tell one of them suddenly that he couldn’t possibly be of any help, you can just watch him spin right on the spot.

If one of these monitors operates on him enough it’ll take another auditor two or three hours to straighten out this preclear. That’s dramatizing the Monitor of Fac One.

And then, as we go on from there, we find the guys that you would just swear to GOD had never had anything to do with thetans. You’d just: swear it! They become two types of individual here on Earth: They become the Capitalista, the Commissar, the Nazi police chief – they’re all the same breed. „Hold on!“ They’ve got to pull everything in on ‘em. And by the time you’ve started to process this character, good God! Get a building jack! They’ll pull everything in on them – just everything. And there’s so little thetan left about them, that to move them around, you’re just going to have a rough, rough time of doing anything with this case. Rough case. „Hold on… Hold on.“

A lot of Fives kind of have a instinctive idea that thetans are something you should be afraid of. They have enough overt acts against thetans, so if they freed the thetan, oh boy! That thetan would chew them up. „Maybe this is the guy I put in the can eight billion years ago.“ And they get a – they… they feel if they free them, they’ll be ruined.

But how do you cure it? By getting them to throw something away – a toothpick. You’ll find out immediately they wouldn’t let go’ of anything; that’s the first thing you’ll find out about ‘em. And that tells you immediately that they belong to that nebulous race.

So, the Operator in Fac One in such people do make variability – not in the technique, but there’s a variability in the auditor. But you as another auditor can overcome it with great ease. Let’s take a break.

Now, then here’s your Monitor People. The female of that species we’ve decided to call the Merrimacks after that ancient battle. So, these people… you want them, the test on them… They, by the way – this is peculiar to a lot of these other races, so it isn’t a singular test – these people love to wear ‘hornrimmed spectacles’. If you could let them go around with ‘spornrimmed hecticles’ on and no glasses in the… in them, they’d be happy. That’s because your Monitor wears heavy goggles during Fac One and so on. But don’t mention insects to these people because they’ll ordinarily just go off the pin. They’ve got something to do with insects. I don’t know what. These people are quite salvageable, by the way.


But they’re organizers, par excellence. And you’ll find them out in the society doing terrific jobs of organization. None of these people, you understand, are bad. This is peculiarities.

And boy, you’ll find these in the Brown Race and the Black Race and the Yellow Race and everything else. You’ll find these same characters. They came down and did a spread.

Now those are just a few… they are just a few of these.

Oh, yes-yes! Yes. There’s your wide-open case. The wide-open case, who is quite often found a beautiful bodied girl. They are very often very wide open. And you couldn’t possibly imagine how there could be anything wrong with these people. And they get a different Fac One, and they’ve got a different lot of other things, and they are almost perfect at esp… espionage; they may not realize it but they’re trained espionage people. You could s… just start giving them an examination that would be given standardly to an espionage officer and they will answer up perfectly on every line.

And they’re characters. Now on the cycle of action, although they’re wide open and very pretty as bodies, they’re sudden death. They’re right over there against death. And you try to pick them up along the line anyplace and, „Oh, no!“ They’ve evidently agreed until they’re wide open. They evidently have their perceptics on some kind of an agreement someplace or other. I don’t know where they come from, or who they’re spying for. It’s a big, big joke. I don’t know who they are.

I’d find out if they were dangerous, they aren’t. But uh… they run a different kind of a Fac One – they run it all wide open. And although their wide openness is terrific, their sense of reality is just shot! Terribly bad sense of reality. Awful! Just grim!

That’s rather typical. These are types.

What do you do with each one of these types? Give them an assessment. You’ll find out the one thing your wide open case can’t do is face any prior existence. Under no circumstances! This just throws them into horrors.

You say, „You might have lived before,“ and all of a sudden this case starts to go neeowww! Spin! Gee! They… I don’t know why that is but it’s just there.

Peculiarities – lots of peculiarities one way or the other in all of this. But you look for ‘cant’s’.

Now, you will get very shortly – if you just look at just that many – types as I’ve given you there – you’ll all of a sudden be able to shape these cases up. And you can all of a sudden look at this guy and he seems to be doing all right in a society, and uh… you start to process him and boy! He won’t let go of anything. He’s got lots of money, you find out. He won’t let go of a thing. You start to examine his ridges, he’s pulled practically every ridge he’s got right in down on top of him.

You’ll find out such nauseous details as his bowels don’t move. Once in nine days or something like that. I mean, it’s gone to that extent. He wouldn’t blow his nose for fear he’d lose something. That’s nauseous but uh… medically quite necessary.

Now you got this next boy and you’re looking him over and uh… well, how do you get that guy out of it? Personally, the biggest joke you can pull is don’t! He’s not even vaguely interested in being gotten out of it. Who are you to go around rescuing him? He isn’t interested in it, really.

He uh… wants to prove to somebody they have driven him so bad that he needs treatment. That’s about as near as he will come to wanting to be treated. He just wants to prove it. And so when he’s on treatment, then he proceeds to look worse and worse. And he’ll get worse and worse. Quite a liability.

The rest of them are pretty easy. The Invader boys present a hard case, mostly because they start feeling very degraded. And there are several crews of those, by the way. There’s not just one crew. And all of them feel more or less degraded. But the third battalion of the Fifth Invader Force is practically out through the bottom of the chute. You’d have to invent something below minus eight.

When they first find themselves turning on a small beam of energy, they just collapse. It’s a level of degradation you never heard of, yet they might be operating quite well. They’re, by the way, terribly effective here on Earth as revolutionaries. So we quite often find them in Scientology.

They’re quite effective. That’s what’s strange about it. They can’t handle any more force than that, but how much force are they capable of handling, just beyond computation, practically.

All right, when you do an assessment, well, you might ask something about this. But you’ll pick these things up. And this isn’t anything you have to tell a preclear about.

If you will take the HANDBOOK FOR PRECLEARS and if you look there in the front of it, you’ll find a list of relatives in one of the Acts – early Act – and then you’ll find a list of the parts of the body. And let’s find out about creating and destroying these relatives and these parts of the body.

And then I have here a list of nouns, which I’m going to mimeograph, which are embracive of all these various nouns. And they run any… anywheres from an angle down: watch, windows, wings, jewels, kettles, keys, forks – I’m just reading out – there’s just hundreds of ‘em here. But they’re embracive of every kind of a noun that there is. I mean, it’s an inclusive list. So we’ve got that one.

I’m going to get that and this Game Processing – I’m going to get that and Game Processing mimeographed. And we’ve… we’ve got a course book we’ve got to make up. So you won’t have the benefit of that right away.

But if you were to take a list of basic English or a book on Basic English, you can get a terrific assessment out of it. You’ll put the preclear on that and you ask him if he can create or destroy on these eight dynamics.

Now I showed you a very little example of this very early in the course. But you do that same thing and you apply every noun you can think of, every body part you can think of, every kind of a person you can think of, every relative you can think of. And by the time you’ve done this, by golly! There isn’t anything you won’t know about this preclear.

And to this you add what you see up here: three areas of track. And for God’s sakes! question him for all three areas of track. Body versus bodies – that’s the latter area of the track. That’s fairly recent. That’s the third one. The second one is thetan versus bodies and bodies – one or more bodies. That’s a very recent one. But that’s the middle ground of the track. Balls of light going into bodies, and the first one up here is the thetan versus the thetan. And that’s balls of light or beingnesses merging with beingnesses, and apart from beingnesses, and doing things to beingnesses, doing things to bits of light, putting them in cans and taking them out of cans, and so forth. And this second one is using a body on that same basis.

Bodies doing this to thetans, thetans taking over bodies. These are mock-up situations. So you use those three areas of track. And this is theoretically everything that could possibly happen to a ball of light or a – ball of light versus a ball of light. Everything that could happen to a ball of light with regard to a body; everything that could happen to a body at the hands of a body. Mock-ups. Unlimited supply.

So, you see here, we have, then, a very wide range. But it’s very easily patterned – quite easily patterned. You find of all of these things the overt acts are against one, thetans, two, bodies, and overt acts by bodies against bodies – gives you three categories of DEDs, DEDEXes, overt acts and motivators.

So don’t forget there’s such a thing as an overt act against a thetan, or many thetans. You’ll get most of the charge you get off some cases that are in bad shape, right there in that department.

Well, that’s what you do, and that’s how you do an assessment. And that’s really all there is to it. You keep a record of that and then you use it for your mock-ups.

And there was one question I was asked is: Would I be willing to create or, if under what conditions or anything else? Don’t worry about that. Just say, „Would you create…“ And the preclear starts qualifying, this preclear’s worried. Get this preclear unworried and give him some more assessment. Let’s take a break.